Thursday 5 July 2012

Question from Prof. Diana Laurillard’s keynote session #5

Today’s adult trainers take pride in what and how they can deliver. However there’s a tendency to safeguard their materials and delivery modes and this is where collaborative learning is challenged, we think. How do you think this can be tackled?

1 comment:

  1. Collaborative learning means sharing and building on each others' work. This happens very successful in the domain of scientific research - in its largest sense, including educational research. Why is that so successful? Because researchers have a way of learning from others' ideas (journals), ways of experimenting, testing, improving (research methodologies), the means to contribute ideas to the community (journals), and rewards for doing so (citation indices, career rewards for research). Translate those elements into teaching and none of them really exist - we have some methodologies for testing the effectiveness of our teaching, perhaps, but they are not that rigorous.
    So that's what we have to tackle. We have to make it both feasible, and worthwhile, for teachers to collaborate - create both drivers and enablers. That's what makes things work and progress.
